
Practical advice, real stories and creative tips to help you grow your business on your terms.

Business Tips Guest User Business Tips Guest User

How to get things done with a body double

A body double is associated with the world of filmmaking and television, but through the lens of productivity, it’s much less action-packed. A body double is simply someone who sits with you, virtually or in person, while you tackle tasks that may be difficult to do alone. It came about as a method for people diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to get more done, but we can all benefit from a body double.

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Wellbeing, Mindset Guest User Wellbeing, Mindset Guest User

Easy ways to fill your cup when you work alone at home

There’s no doubt many of us are feeling a little stressed, over it, mad, sad [enter the full spectrum of emotions here] about the current lockdown situ. It’s not a fun time. And while as a freelancer or solopreneur, working from home on our own is often the norm, it isn’t always good for us. So here are a few lockdown-friendly ways to fill your cup and shift some energy when you’ve been spending too much time alone.

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Business Tips Guest User Business Tips Guest User

The do's and don'ts of freelancer VIP days

VIP days are fast becoming one of my fave ways to work with clients as a freelance copywriter. I love being able to get in and out quickly, deliver high-impact work, and stay 100% focused on one thing at a time (single-tasking baby)! Here are some things to consider if you want to start building day rates into your biz.

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Business Tips, Experiments Guest User Business Tips, Experiments Guest User

The power of video marketing [PLUS free Instagram Reels challenge download]

Video is a powerful marketing opportunity that isn’t going away anytime soon. The Head of Instagram recently shared that Instagram is no longer a photo-sharing app and that the company is looking to “embrace video more broadly”. Let’s be honest, we should have seen this coming. It’s time to get out of our comfort zone, and get comfy on videos.

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Business Tips Guest User Business Tips Guest User

How to get off the client hamster wheel and start loving your biz again

I speak to so many freelancers about their dreams of ditching clients and creating more space for creativity and the things they love. As a freelancer, client work is how we make our money, but when it takes up every moment of our day, life starts to look a little mundane. We feel uninspired and exhausted very quickly. Here are a few ways to get off the client hamster wheel and start loving your biz again.

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Guest User Guest User

4 things I know to be true after 1 year of virtual coworking

The virtual coworking club has been going for 12 months now (we launched in May 2020 as a result of COVID). I've hosted 100+ sessions and shared my weeks with some incredible women. The Club has been a game-changer for my personal happiness and business growth. From the conversations I've facilitated and the moments I've experienced, here are 4 things I know to be true about life and biz after one year of hosting this amazing club.

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Business Tips Guest User Business Tips Guest User

Do I need a niche? Plus how to choose a niche as a freelancer?

You’ve probably heard how important it is to choose a niche. But choosing your niche can be overwhelming and confusing. It can bring up fears of feeling “boxed-in” or fears of “cutting-out” clients *which BTW is totally not true*. If you’re wondering what the heck a niche is, before I go on, a niche is simply a focus zone that you can serve (or learn to serve) really darn well. And when you find it, leads, cash and ease shall follow.

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Insights Guest User Insights Guest User

This is what burnout feels like, plus 6 ways to avoid it

Let’s talk burnout. There’s no denying the lines between work and life for freelancers get blurred. Most of us who are working for ourselves (and therefore by ourselves, often at home) for the first time struggle to preserve healthy boundaries between professional and personal lives. Especially when we work from home. Soon afternoons blend into evenings, weekdays blend into weekends and little sense of time and workdays will remain. If you think you’ll be immune, think again.

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