Practical advice, real stories and creative tips to help you grow your business on your terms.
5 fresh business habits to ring in the New Year
As we flip the calendar on a new year and step into another 12 months of business, we are filled with endless opportunities. It’s a fresh start. This year, I’m making a conscious effort to usher in some good work habits as a freelancer this year. Perhaps you can bring some of them into your year too?
Enhance your business with intentions and affirmations
Using intentions and affirmations can enhance goal setting, give you a deeper sense of purpose, and boost self-confidence. So how exactly should you use intentions and affirmations in your business?
Stuck on goal setting? Reflect with these 11 questions first
When we neglect to pause and reflect, goal setting can be pretty damn tricky. We need a starting point—without this, it’s impossible to know where we want to go. Grab a pen, a fresh piece of paper and some space and start by going inward with these 11 questions before you dive into 2021 goalsetting mode.