5 fresh business habits to ring in the New Year


Move over 2021, I’m taking control of 2022 with some good habits to elevate my freelance biz. By Emma Nolan.

There’s really not a lot to say about the dumpster fire that was 2021. Last year somehow managed to feel incredibly long yet so short all at the same time. Amidst Trump getting banned from Twitter (thank-god), the Aussie East Coast being thrown into one-after-the-other snap lockdowns and the most unlikely Hollywood reunion we’ve seen in years; Bennifer, we somehow made it out the other end alive (crawling, but alive nonetheless). 

So as we flip the calendar on a new year and step into another 12 months of business, we are filled with endless opportunities. It’s a fresh start. This year, I’m making a conscious effort to not comfortably slip back into old habits but usher in some new ones. Here are a few things I’ve done in the past (and a few newbies) that I’ll be incorporating into my work day this year. Perhaps you can bring some of them into your 2022 year too?

01 Celebrate wins regularly

It is so easy to get caught up in the doing of day-to-day life that we often forget to take a backseat and praise ourselves for the wins no matter how big or small. This year, why not set a recurring date with yourself once a month to reflect and take stock. Make a physical list and include everything (and I mean everything) that counts as a win. Perhaps you were regrammed by someone you admire, or received great feedback from a client, maybe you hit your monthly income goals, or just created a killer playlist that got you in flow. If you’re going to start one new habit this year, make it this one.

02 Pick a card, any card

Let’s take a moment to talk about affirmation decks. This is quite possibly the easiest ritual to incorporate into your life. And let me tell you, there is no shortage to choose from at the moment. The purpose of these decks are to give you an intention, message, ritual and mantra to connect with throughout the day. Incorporating these cards into your morning routine can often act as a reminder to take time in our busy day to stop, reflect and reset our mind. Participating in these self-appreciation practices allows us to shine some perspective when times are feeling a little heavier than usual with work. Plus, studies show that if you express gratitude and self-appreciation, it raises your happiness by 25%. And who am I to debate science? 

03 Create a fake commute

Like many of you, when I started working for myself I didn’t shed a single tear for the commute lost. An extra hour or two to do whatever I please, how grand. Before WFH, I’d have read a whole book in a week, listened to my favourite playlists on repeat AND caught-up on the latest Bachelor drama all while commuting to and from work. And now, sadly those additional hours have just been absorbed by clients with the lines between work and life becoming blurred. When we don’t psychologically detach from work, we risk becoming exhausted and burned out.

Enter: The fake commute. By starting each day with something I enjoy, be it a quick ocean swim, reading a few chapters of my latest book or sitting to enjoy a coffee before jumping online, I’ve already done something for me. Not to mention I’m giving myself a hard out at 5pm, heading straight to the gym for a sweat sesh to make sure those emails don’t cross my brain. Goodbye business brain, hello freedom. 

04 Start a ‘warm and fuzzies’ folder

Call it what you will, but this little hack was stolen from Haley herself, and it’s too good not to include (she calls her “The Nice Files”). The best part, it’s as simple as starting a new folder on your desktop. Screenshot all the kind words you receive off clients, friends and family and keep them. These can be testimonials, Instagram comments, cute little text messages, even a fun GIF. Really anything that got you giddy when you received it. If it hasn’t been your day (week or month or even your year), you’ve now got multiple love notes all at the double click of your fingers. 

05 Do mirror mantras 

Or ‘post-it note on the computer screen’ mantras. It just doesn’t have the same ring to it does it? It’s a grounding reminder that there is more than just the current task ahead of you, a way to ensure that those mundane day-to-day operations or the impossibly hard task sitting at the top of your to-do list is actually ensuring you work towards a bigger goal. At the beginning of each year (and now each month) I pick one word and attempt to let this guide me through that period. An anchor if you will. Here are a few of mine from my transition from full-time-to-freelance life; Dream. Fearless. Trust. Balance. Expansion. It allows me to see the bigger picture rather than focusing on the stresses of the small stuff. 

Now over to you, what habits are you bringing into your new work year? Comment on this post over on Instagram.

Written by Emma Nolan

A highly curious person by nature. Hates wearing shoes. Sometimes pens words on topics that spark passion, including the environment, self-development, and creative living. May or may not have an emotional attachment to her browser tabs. Connect @creativ.em.


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