Stuck on goal setting? Reflect with these 11 questions first

When we neglect to pause and reflect, goal setting can be pretty damn tricky. We need a starting point—without this, it’s impossible to know where we want to go. Grab a pen, a fresh piece of paper and some space and start by going inward with these 11 questions before you dive into 2021 goalsetting mode.

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  1. What did you create in this past year?

  2. What were the three best things that happened in your business in the past year? What are you most proud of?

  3. Did you step outside of your comfort zone? If yes when? How did it make you feel? What did you learn?  

  4. During challenging times, how did you show up? Were you happy with how you showed up? How would you have done things differently? 

  5. How have you grown? Where have been your three biggest growth moments? 

  6. What relationships/people supported you, inspired you and helped you feel unstoppable?

  7. What relationships/people didn’t make you feel so great?

  8. What activities gave you energy and made you feel in flow?

  9. What activities drained your energy and made you feel heavy or low?

  10. How did you serve your clients? Were you happy with you how served others? How would you have done things differently?

  11. Where did any fears or limiting beliefs show up? Situations, habits, patterns. What do you want to let go of? What would you like to stop doing from this past year? 

These are just some questions that will help you identify what you want to do more of and what you could have done differently. They are designed to help get those inward thoughts flowing and set you up for a powerful and aligned goalsetting session when the time is right.


Events Guide January 2021


Events Guide December 2020