3 simple ways to sustain your energy as a freelancer this holiday season


Whether you're a freelancer, creative, coach or entrepreneur, as companies of one, it's essential to look after your number one asset (psst…that's you). So with the holiday season coming in hot, here are three surprisingly simple way's to look after yourself now, so you don't collapse into a heap come Christmas day. By Haley Berryman.

#1 Move your body

Pulling long days at the desk might feel like the best way to make it through that never-ending to-do list, but we might not be our most effective selves. Studies show that our energy levels are higher after a workout. So before you even sit down to work, start the day with a 20-30 minute walk outside. Not only will this get your feel-good endorphins going, being in nature can reduce stress, and moving your body can help you sleep better a night. 

#2 Limit decisions

Have you ever heard of 'decision fatigue? It shows that the more decisions we have to make each day, the worse our ability to make them gets. The busy holiday season is not the time to complicate things or add more to your mental load. Instead, find places in your day where you can simplify and reduce the number of decisions you make. For example, wear the same work outfit, make the same nourishing smoothie for breakfast, jump in the shower at night to wind down. These little rituals will help you cruise through the decisions that truly matter with ease. 

#3 Drink water 

Drinking water sounds simple right? But too many of us skip the H2O and reach for caffeine or sugary snacks instead when we need an energy boost (I know I'm not the only one)! But this can leave us feeling more lethargic and more stressed. The link between water and stress reduction is well documented. Research conducted at the University of Connecticut's Human Performance Laboratory confirmed an array of negative effects resulting from dehydration, including "degraded mood, increased perception of task difficulty, lower concentration, and headache symptoms." (source). So remember to keep the H2O handy (you're going to need to drink about 2litres a day) to help your body and brain behave their best. 

Over to you!
How do you sustain your energy during the busy holiday season period as an entrepreneur?

Written by Haley Berryman

Almond latte drinking, nature lovin’, mama of two. Endlessly coming up with ideas for others. Hippy at heart. Shares personal musings on topics including freelancing, marketing, wellbeing and happiness. Says ‘babe’ way too much. Connect @haleyberryman__ or haleyberryman.com.


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