Member Moments — Stacey Marie
Stacey’s business The Social Hub helps women own their brilliance authentically in the online space without the mum guilt or burnout. In this interview, we find out how she ended up ditching the finance industry to chase freedom as a freelancer, and the habits she swears by to be her most focused self.
To kick things off, tell us a bit about your background and how you ended up working for yourself?
I have a 17 year long career in the finance industry, most of my time spent there was in people leadership, coaching, L&D. Hence my love of mentoring people and leading groups. It's kinda my thing. When I decided to start a family I was struck with the potential that I may not be able to have children after suffering multiple unexplained miscarriages. After having the girls and needing to return to soulless corporate work I decided it was time to try my hand at something new and work for myself so I could be home more and spend the time I wanted to with them. Basically I wanted to have alignment, fulfilment and freedom
Was there a defining moment when you knew it was time to make the leap and do your own thing?
Yes. I had dabbled in working with clients pro bono while I was still at the bank. I thought I would wait until I 'had enough money saved' to take the leap. But then my boss moved on to another role (she is a friend and our team was amazing, we all still have xmas parties together and everything). Our new boss was a nightmare and I just couldn't stay there anymore if that was the conditions I had to work under. I am grateful for it though or I don't know I would have taken the leap for a while. My job was 'comfortable'
What was your biggest fear before you started working for yourself?
That I wouldn't be able to make it work, that lifestyle seemed to be for 'other people' I was so engrained in the corporate life the mentality that it's 'not a real job' was hard to overcome.
What advice would you give to others to help them overcome fear and make the leap to self employment?
Work on yourself, as in personal development, more than professional development (although if you need to do that by all means do as it's going to help you). The only way to overcome fear is not to KNOW more stuff to be able to sell your services and make you more buyable, it's to TRUST in yourself and SURRENDER to the process. Oh and be willing to adapt (dare I say pivot lol) as much as you need to.
What is the best and worst part of working for yourself?
The best part is the freedom to choose your own hours and make your week what you want it to. The worst part, this is for people who work from home, you often are NEVER away from your office, so boundaries are crucial with yourself, clients and family.
Let's talk morning routines, what do you do to set your day up for success?
I am a morning person so I am up early naturally. I get up around 5:30am before anyone else wakes up around 6:30. Coffee in bed, read or write, then after the kids are ready for school I go for a walk. Walking is my meditation. It's not overcomplicated, there is no hard and fast magical juice I drink, but it works for me and gives me a clear head and heart before I start working for the day.
Name three qualities you need to succeed as a freelancer?
Self awareness, Fun, Growth mindset.
“The only way to overcome fear is not to know more stuff to be able to sell your services and make you more buyable, it’s to trust in yourself and surrender to the process. ”
What habits or tools help you to be your most focused self?
Having a morning routine, or for those who aren't morning people a routine to start their day in some form so that when you sit down to work you are clear in your head and heart.
Good diary management so you are not overloading yourself with too much work and have space for a life (a life outside your business) and to work ON your business not just IN it.
Task management - for yourself or a team member - I am an ideas person and shiny object syndrome is real for me, so I am very organised around what tasks I am taking on every month, I allow time to look at and play with the shiny things or they derail me and I outsource the shit I hate doing.
What role has community played in your success as a freelancer?
A huge part. I love to collaborate and meet new people, community is one of my highest values as a human. Ironically I can also be a bit of a lone wolf, I think it's the inner leader in me, as I run so many communities I can forget that I need to be IN them too. So I make sure I put myself in a position to be a member as well as a leader now.
Do you have any stand out books, podcasts or spaces that are inspiring you in business right now?
I consume ALOT of content for growth. It used to be personal development, self help and business stuff. But I have moved on from that now and find myself consuming parenting books and also books on society and structures. I really like anything that challenges the Status Quo. I am reading a book called Cultish at the moment, it's about various degrees of cults and how language plays a part in forming these cult like communities. Which I can see so much of in the modern business marketing landscape. Anything that makes me REALLY think about the world, and I usually find a way to relate that back to how I do business too.
Finally, tell us a little about your business and where people can find you?
My business coaching business works with women who have a service based or course based business model and I help them scale their business with courses, digital products and podcasting. PLUS create a standout brand for their business on social media so they can grow a following of fans who turn into actual clients. I use a blend of soul and strategy, in that I am equal parts woo + energy/strategy. I work with my clients on managing their energy as much as managing their to do lists, so that they can have a fulfilling life inside and outside their business. I am also about to launch a personal brand that is focused on life + motherhood mentoring for women.
View Stacey’s profile on Cool Wow Collective here >
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