How to stop task switching and get more done

Do you ever feel like your attention drifts from one thing to another all the time? You my friend, are task switching (aka context switching or multitasking). It often happens when we have lots to do and don’t know what to prioritise first because it all feels important. But task switching can have a detrimental effect on your productivity. By Haley Berryman.

It might feel harmless to move from task to task without really finishing something, but our brains aren’t wired for multitasking. When we scatter our attention, we can’t really give anything our best effort. According to psychologist Gerald Weinberg, each extra task or ‘context’ you switch between eats 20–80% of your overall productivity, depending on the tasks you are doing.

If you ever just ‘quickly’ check a Slack message or jump to your inbox to see if anything has arrived while in the middle of something else, you kill your ability to focus and get things done. #guilty

The opposite of task switching is cognitive shifting. It’s a very similar behaviour, but the difference is that you are consciously choosing to shift your attention vs unconsciously jumping from task to task. So how do you make mindless task switching a thing of the past and feel more productive and in control?

So how can you be more away and in control of your attention?

Here are a few things I’ve found helpful to stay more focused on one thing at a time…

Braindump all of the things

If we sit down at our desk to start the day without knowing what's on our mental load, things will pop up that pull us off track. That's why I love a good brain dump when I'm feeling overwhelmed. Nothing fancy, simply get a big piece of paper and put everything in our head on it! From the milk you need to buy, to that haircut you need to book, to that email you need to send. Write until your mind feels like everything is out. This activity alone will give you a sense of clarity and help you make sense of what's really important.

Simplify your to-do list

If you have a master to-do list or brain dump list, it's time to simplify it. One tool I love to help prioritise what's important is the Eisenhower Matrix (learn more in this post). This handy tool enables you to decide what to do now, do later, delete or delegate. Then when you have your true 'do now' list, pick your MOST crucial task of the day and begin. Do it until it's done. Then pick another task and repeat for the rest of the day. Often we overestimate what we can do in a day, so be realistic. And trust that if you get one important thing done, you are moving in the right direction.

Batch or time block tasks

I love to dedicate specific times in my week to certain things. For example, Monday morning is all about CEO things like money, team management and checking in with my big vision. Then Wednesday is for writing, this is where I barely open 'on the biz' work and focus my attention solely on my clients. Batching tasks and time blocking them into your calendar by theme helps you get into flow and stay on track.

Practice focus with Pomodoro

Welcome to my go-to focus tool is Pomodoro. You simply devote your attention to just one task for 25-minutes before switching to something else. If other 'tasks' pop into your mind, simply ignore them or scribble them down on a piece of paper beside you and resist the urge to dive in. Focus is a habit, and it takes practice. The more you flex your focus muscle, the stronger it will get.

Eliminate distractions

Simply shutting down Slack notifications, closing the Gmail tab, and keeping your phone out of arms reach can enhance your focus. By eliminating these common distractions, you have to make a conscious effort to use them, which means you gain more awareness of how often you truly task switch (it can be scarily often once you start to pay attention)!


Being aware of task switching is the first step to taming it. By introducing a regular mindfulness or meditation practice to your day, you will enhance self-awareness and be able to observe when your mind is drifting off-task or losing focus. There's no quick fix on this one. It requires small daily action.

Bonus tip: Give yourself grace

Some days we are simply not as productive or focused as others. There might be personal stuff going on in your life. You might have had a bad night's sleep, you might be in a low energy week of your cycle. So just be aware of these factors and give yourself grace. Sometimes we aren't going to be our most focused selves. So allow yourself to task switch for a Pomodoro or two (25min timer), then make a conscious effort to reset and find your focus again.

I hope this helps!

Let me know your biggest challenge when it comes to task switching over on Instagram @coolwowcollective.

Haley Berryman

Written by Haley Berryman

Almond latte drinking, nature lovin’, mama of two. Endlessly coming up with ideas for others. Hippy at heart. Says ‘babe’ way too much. Shares personal musings on topics including freelancing, marketing, wellbeing and happiness. Connect @haleyberryman__ or


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