Member Moments — Jahna Koehler
Jahna is back in the Cool Wow Club for a second round as a Plus member and is committed to taking her biz to the next level with a tight mastermind team by her side. Her business Keeping Balance helps business owners take back their time and work towards a business they love by supporting them with solid finance, mindset and management advice. In this interview, we find out how she got to where she’s at, the advice she’d give to other freelancers, and what she’s gained as a member of the Cool Wow community.
To kick things off, tell us a bit about your background and how you ended up working for yourself?
In 2010 I was disappointed when others were offered an associate position in the firm I worked for. I decided that I was in control of my destiny, so I upskilled in the area of work I was in and launched my business in the following 12 months.
I launched that business to create freedom in my life, to be able to set my own rules and move way from the "typical" business model of the 9 - 5.
Fast forward to 2021 I sold said business in 2015 and have been side hustling ever since, to bring me to today where I want to share what I have learned with others to help them create freedom & balance in their business' & life.
Was there a defining moment when you knew it was time to make the leap and do your own thing?
Realising that I didn't want to be confined by others, and I wanted to beat my own drum back in 2010 really drove me to make the jump.
“I launched my business to create freedom in my life, to be able to set my own rules and move way from the 9-5.”
What was your biggest fear before you started working for yourself?
Back then, not much. Now the second time around money. I started my first business with capital backing. This time around, I am doing it on a shoestring and re-invest as it grows. So there is a lot of fear around money.
What advice would you give to others to help them overcome fear and make the leap to self employment?
Have a financial safety net, know 100% what you need to put food on the table and meet your personal needs. Then, ensure that you either side hustle it until you can jump. Have a nest egg to pay your expenses for a period of time. This will take the pressure off the business. Or if you’re lucky enough to have a partner that helps support your vision, that's even better.
What is the best and worst part of working for yourself?
The best part is being able to choose your life week to week. The worst part is because I have regular clients, I have not had a solid two-week holiday without having to open a computer for over three years.
Let's talk morning routines, what do you do to set your day up for success?
It changes. I write an intention now, or sometimes, I start the day by tapping. But, if I am honest, I would like to start the day with a walk (which I don't do enough), as that's when I felt my best.
Name three qualities you need to succeed as a freelancer?
Organised, Accountable & Relatable
What habits or tools help you to be your most focused self?
I use project management tools, lists to help take all the "things" out of my head to stop the work.
What role has community played in your success as a freelancer?
My community are generally by biggest cheerleaders. People who know me, or have worked with me love me and the support I offer.
How has being a member of the Cool Wow Club helped you?
I have really enjoyed the connection with likeminded people & being able to hear more about the how to's of business. The experience of others sacking clients blew my mind in the first week I was a member—it felt like everyone just embraces it!
Do you have any stand out books, podcasts or spaces that are inspiring you in business right now?
My go to, The Celestine Prophecy.
Finally, tell us a little about your business and where people can find you?
I am a business consultant specialising in mentoring and bookkeeping based in Toowoomba, QLD.
I started my career at a young age, tagging along to my father’s tax appointments from mid teens knowing that I loved numbers. I went on to work in Accounting for many years, even launching and selling my own specialised accounting practice.
Early on I also found an interest in personal development, from my participation and leadership in Rotary International Programs to trekking remote parts of the world, I believe we are all capable of learning and growing, regardless of age.
Keeping Balance is where my two worlds collide. Drawing on my extensive accounting background, my business expertise and lived experience both personally and professionally. My passion is to help business owners to achieve their version of balance through systems, processes & management strategies.
View Jahna’s profile on Cool Wow Collective here >
Or visit to book a FREE Call with Jahna to see if she’s a fit for you.