You did it!

Thank you, your application is heading our way.


What now?

  1. A welcome pack with everything you need to know about your membership will land in your inbox very, very shortly. In fact, it’s probably there right now!

  2. We’ll also review your application and double check you’re a good fit for Cool Wow (and we’re a good fit for you!).

  3. Soon, we’ll prepare your directory listing to go live and email you as soon as it’s ready so you can start sharing it with the world. This can take up to 7 days to make sure it’s looking tip top.

  4. You can start enjoying the Facebook community right away, and the coworking magic begins when we kick-off sessions with new and continuing members on Tuesday 18th July!

Until then, stay cool.

Rachel Anderson
Owner, Cool Wow Collective ✨