Practical advice, real stories and creative tips to help you grow your business on your terms.
Interview - Hayley McMurray
Coming the vibrant city of Melbourne, Hayley’s quirky and fun personality radiates through her work. She strives to offer out of the box, considered and conscious design.
Events Guide May 2020
We’ve selected a bunch of events from Australia and abroad to help elevate your freelance game by expanding knowledge, building connection, and enhancing mindset in these times of change. Pull up a virtual seat and grow!
Freelancer loneliness & how to beat it
Any freelancer will tell you they’ve felt lonely at one time or another. Working for yourself, by yourself, all of the time isn’t healthy. Here are 5 of my favourite ways to beat the freelancer blues.
Masterclass: Alignment & Opportunity
In times of uncertainly, it’s easy for our energy, goals and focus to be fragmented as we seek to survive, understand and adjust to a new way of being.
Events Guide April 2020
The world is going virtual! Check out these awesome events for freelancers happening exclusively ONLINE this April.
COVID-19 support for Australian freelancers
What support is available to Australian freelancers and sole traders? What does it really mean? How can you access it? We break it down so that we can navigate this tricky and weird situation together.
6 benefits of working with freelancers
It’s no secret - the freelance economy is on the rise. The workforce is changing. So why are more businesses and marketing managers looking to freelance workers to get the job done? Here are 5 compelling reasons why we freelancers are the future of work.
Essential ingredients to make working from home productive
Why rules, routines and rituals are essential to help you get through your to-do list and be productive when working from home. Advice from freelancers who do it on the daily.
How to prove yourself as a new freelancer
How can you build your reputation and prove yourself as trustworthy - even with little to no experience? Here are some of the most common challenges new freelancers face and how to overcome them.
Should you ditch the title “freelancer”?
I’ll happily call myself a freelancer when introducing myself, but I recently discovered that a lot of other creatives are hesitant to do so. In this blog, I’ll unpack what a freelancer is (spoiler alert…you probably are one) and help you determine if the word “freelancer“ could be holding you back.
7 holiday season survival tips for freelancers
Holidays are the best…until you realise your clients have stopped booking work with you and your cashflow is drying up. Ahh the life of a freelancer. Here are a few tips to help you cruise through Christmas and the silly season and avoid that panic button come January.
5 questions to ask when hiring a freelance graphic designer
When you’re trusting someone to shape the visual identity you want to get it right the first time. Here are five key questions to ask before hiring a freelance graphic designer or creative agency.