Member Moment — Nikki Hamilton
Nikki is a WordPress developer that builds beautiful websites and empowers women to build their own thriving digital studios through her Women Wealth Wordpress course. A freelancer at heart, she loves the freedom and potential that running her own business offers and leans into her background in education to teach, inspire and guide others. In this interview, we learn how an unexpected redundancy catapulted Nikki into the freelance space and how she thrives as a neurodiverse entrepreneur.
To kick things off, tell us a bit about your background and how you ended up working for yourself?
I lost my job while pregnant! While completely legal (I was told my role was no longer needed after my contract expired) it was definitely a bit dodgy and unethical. I had been with the company for over 3 years, on multiple contracts, always with promotions and rave reviews! So I was kind of forced into it. At the time I couldn't see the why, but now I am profoundly grateful!
Was there a defining moment when you knew it was time to make the leap and do your own thing?
After having my son, I just knew traditional employment wasn't for me. I wanted freedom and flexibility. Not only with my schedule, but with the work I do! Looking back, I was always destined to be a freelancer, it just wasn't ever highlighted to me as an option throughout my life. I love how doable it is these days, and not just to get by, but to thrive!
What was your biggest fear before you started working for yourself?
Definitely the consistent income piece. And while there are still ebbs and flows, I make way more now than I ever did in my corporate role, while working way less.
What advice would you give to others to help them overcome fear and make the leap to self employment?
I don't think it necessarily has to be a leap. I think there's a lot to be said in building up as a side hustle, putting away some savings, and learning on the job! But when the time finally comes to go all in, you just have to back yourself and make it happen. Follow people who have done it before you, so you can see that it's possible.
There is no certainty in traditional jobs any more, you could be made redundant at anytime, the only thing certain is you! Once you've learnt how to 'make' money from your determination and skills, there is literally no stopping your trajectory.
“Once you’ve learnt how to ‘make’ money from your determination and skills, there is literally no stopping your trajectory. ”
What is the best and worst part of working for yourself?
The answer is the same - space! I enjoy a lot of time flexibility and down time, but in some ways this can make it harder to get started some days. Self motivation is critical, but not always possible, especially with a neurodivergent brain!
Let's talk morning routines, what do you do to set your day up for success?
Being a mum to two boys, I don't always have the space for a perfect morning routine, but my motto at the moment is D.O.T - Do One Thing.
For me the things that help get me going are going for a walk with a podcast, taking a swim, a 10-minute meditation, or even just a really hot shower and 'getting ready' for work!
I'm letting go of the need to do it all, and just taking the small wins as I can get them. Any of these really help switch my brain on and get me in a good frame of mind!
Name three qualities you need to succeed as a freelancer?
Ambition, determination and the ability to problem solve / figure it out!
What habit(s) or tools help you to be your most focused self?
Cold plunging is huge for me! It can help boost your dopamine by up to 250% which is fabulous for focus!
In terms of tools, going back to basics! The notes app which syncs across my devices, a decent note pad and pen (I'm a Rhodia + Artline Fineliner kinda gal), turning off notifications when I work, noise cancelling headphones are all my go-tos.
What role has community played in your success as a freelancer?
So much! It's so easy to become isolated when working from home, and while I thrive on a lot of alone time, I need people in my life. People to bounce ideas off, to break down challenges with, to inspire and uplift me. Some of my best friends are fellow entrepreneurs because we just understand each other.
Do you have any stand out books, podcasts or spaces that are inspiring you in business right now?
I always love everything by Denise Duffield Thomas, she is so down to earth and relatable, while showing us what is truly possible as a female entrepreneur. All of her books and podcasts are great!
After a recent ADHD and Autism diagnosis I've been going down that rabbit hole a little bit. The Book Faster than Normal was fantastic, and it made me cry many times as I start to identify and unravel some of the things associated with the diagnosis, both the good and the bad! I'm learning a lot from entrepreneurs like Jenna Kutcher and Cherie Clonan who share about their experiences and how they manage and celebrate their neurodivergency.
Finally, tell us a little about your business and where people can find you?
I help women make money with WordPress! Either by building custom websites in my primary business Seedling Digital, or by teaching designers to build their own thriving development studio with my course Women Wealth WordPress. You can find me on Instagram at @seedlingdigital and @womenwealthwordpress, or on my podcast.
View Nikki’s profile on Cool Wow Collective here >
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