Interview - Bay Bradfield

Fuelled daily by Soy Chai Lattes, Bay Bradfield - Sales Coach genius has her sights set on helping service based business owners attract new clients. What does this do? It fast tracks their revenue results by implementing personalised sales strategies for growth. Let’s learn more about Bays journey.

Bay Bradfield

Tell us how you ended up here as a freelancer? Where did it all begin?

I was working for a global company in London and I actually loved my job but had an unexpected health issue that was ‘a sign from the universe’ to move home to Australia. I moved home and wasn’t sure what I wanted to do so I just went and got another sales job because I could easily fall into that until I worked out what I wanted to do. I was in the sales role for 6 months and just really wasn’t enjoying it so I just decided that I’d resign and start a business. I didn’t do the side-hustle. I just went all in and backed myself.

What inspired you to start freelancing? Was there a ‘moment’ that made you realise it was time?

Not really. I just wasn’t enjoying my job at the time. I had a little niggle that there was something more for me out there and then I realised how many people I could help by teaching them the skill that I’d trained and excelled in. Sales.

How did you prepare to start working for yourself?

I half didn’t. Half did. I joined a group coaching program to just get me started. I think having a mentor was really helpful for me because I didn’t do the side hustle, I just went straight in. It was a lot to adjust to all in one go so I was glad I invested in a mentor at the very beginning to help with the transition.

What was your biggest fear before you started freelancing? Any tips to overcome these fears?

I didn’t have any fears before starting (maybe I should have but must have been in dreamland and didn’t at the time!) Looking back, I think it was because I didn’t overthink it and just started. I didn’t really have any thought around it, I just knew deep down it was going to work. There was no plan B. I think my tip would be.. Don’t overthink it. Just do it. Back yourself and go for it. There will be challenges along the way, but there’s no point worrying about that because most of them you can’t even prepare for. Just take one day at a time.

In three emojis, describe your life as a freelancer…


Walk us through a typical work day?

I wake up and jump straight in the shower. I have my goals and affirmations written on paper and stuck on the outside of my shower glass screen so while I’m in the shower I read over them. I usually want to be at my computer within 15 minutes of waking up. There’s no morning routine for me. I work best on tasks first thing in the morning when my brain is fresh. I monitor my energy and focus peak times and build my whole business around that.

I only work Monday to Thursday and usually only half days. It’s taken a lot of structure to reduce my hours to 20 or less per week but it’s really how I work best and the business thrives when I’m not ‘hustling’. Some weeks I’ll work longer hours, but right now.. 20 hours a week works perfectly. My days are a mix of client sessions and working on my business.

When I’m ready to ‘switch off’ I usually don’t have my phone with me at all. I’ll leave it in another room. I’m really conscious about it so I leave my phone at home when I do my afternoon walks etc. I’ve really been leaning more into properly switching off (guilt-free) and it’s been a huge gamechanger.

Name three qualities you need to succeed as a freelancer?

  1. Self awareness - You need to know and understand yourself. You need to learn how you operate as a person. What thoughts are coming up (because they do!!) How to overcome them, when/where and how do you work most effectively, what are your strengths and weaknesses and so on.

  2. Just being a good human - I believe one of the biggest reasons I’ve created the business I have today, is just by genuinely caring for other people. Remember to stay heart-centred always - no matter how big or crazy the business gets.

  3. Community - Find your people who get it. You just can’t do it alone!

Best thing about freelancing?

Flexibility. I love that I can meet friends midweek for brunch, take a week long staycation if I feel like it or simply finish work at midday because I fall into an afternoon slump. For me, it’s really about being able to work my business around me and how I want to live.

Suckiest thing about freelancing?

Relying on yourself to stay disciplined.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out on their freelancer journey?

Get yourself a mentor or coach. I have one myself whose strengths are my weaknesses. My advice is, it’s easier and quicker to just have someone to show you what to do instead of trying to figure it out and hope it will work.

What’s next for you in business?

I’m launching my signature sales course in just a few months (December 2020) It’s everything you need to know to get more clients and make more sales in your business.. without being icky and salesy! It’s been a lot of fun creating the modules and I’m so excited for it to help so many businesses make more money.

This or that

  • Tea or coffee? I’m making my own category here.. ‘I’ll take an almond milk chai latte, thanks!’

  • Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert.

  • Earlybird or night owl? A flow between both!

  • Home office or coworking space? Ohhh. I’m so torn.

  • Emails or calls? Calls!!

  • Paper or digital to-do list? Usually digital because I find it’s more organised.

  • Books or podcasts? Audiobooks.



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Events Guide November 2020